Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Task 2

Popular music is standardized to a point that is predgested. The audience have heard it numerous times which requires no effort to listen to. Popular music is composed to a set format as the chorus consists of thirty two bars and that the range is limited to one octave and one note. Adorno says popular music acts as a friend in an unfriendly world. This is why they play pop music in stores and is believed the music relaxes shoppers and makes them more likely to buy something as it comforts and distracts the customer.

Adorno describes popular music as it must be impressive enough to be remembered but it lacks in originality therefore is obvious and boring. This creates a range of material in which the consumer has an apparent freedom of choice and so they think they have a level of individuallity. 

I have chosen to look at the the pop artist Kelly Rowland-Work. The song was produced in 2006 and it shows a clear indication of popular music as it requires no effort in to listen to.  This is 'pseudo-individualization, giving the masses what seems to be a whole free choice and open market but the standardization of songs 'keeps the customers in line by doing the listening for them'. By buying the music feels like it is us as free individuals, but is actually mistaken as it simply marketed to the masses as 'standardized music'.

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